Vallejo Model Color: German Camouflage Black Brown RLM61
Model Color, the range that sets the standard for all figure and model kits painting enthusiasts. Amazing brushability, excellent opacity and superb matt finish. You will notice that the colors dry quickly, forming a homogeneous and self-leveling layer that respects the smallest detail present in your model.
You will also find equivalent shades to the main colors used in military codifications during WWII and subsequent conflicts (RAL, RLM, FS, etc.). Additionally, Vallejo have arranged the display chromatically, based on the Vallejo BSL (Base, Shade, Light) painting system, allowing you to easily locate the appropriate tones for highlighting and shading a specific base color. The majority of colors from the original range have been maintained, with the same name and reference number. Your favorite colors still exist.
Model Color, the range that sets the standard for all figure and model kits painting enthusiasts.
Packaging: Model Color is presented in bottles of 18 ml/0.6 fl oz with eyedropper. This packaging prevents the paint from evaporating and drying in the container, so that It can be used in minimal quantities and preserved for a long time.
Size: 18 ml